Holy Well Excursions

Holy Well Excursion (begin walk)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion, March 13 2011 (6 participants). Images document various public performances staged within Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia, responding to historical research of various park features and wilderness survival strategies.  For more detailed project descriptions please visit corresponding project blog: thegatekeeperslodge.blogspot.ca

Holy Well Excursion 3, April 10 2011 (approx. 70 participants).

Holy Well Printed Matter, 2011, Holy Well water, glass jar, printed card. All participants given vessel of holy water and instructions for emergency water procurement.

Photo documentation courtesy of Christopher Bousquet.

Location: Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Holy Well Excursion (begin excursion)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion (at holy well)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion (gather water)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion (blessings)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion (return from well)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion (route map)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion (printed matter)

glass jar, printed card (all participants given vessel of holy water and instructions for emergency water procurement)

Holy Well Excursion (group walk)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion 3 (group walk)
performance still

Holy Well Excursion 3 (group walk)
performance still

Research + Development

The Holy Well Excursion was developed from research that I had been doing about different features of the park made by people over the last 130 years. I read in an archeological report from 2006, that a feature called the Holy Well existed on Park land, and was one of the only sources of potable (safe drinking) water untreated by the city and available in the South End of Halifax. Most survival manuals take a great deal of time to emphasize the importance of clean drinking water, humans can survive a week without food, but only 2 days without water.

Over the course of the residency three excursions were held, with over 100 participants. Groups proceeded from the Gatekeeper's Lodge, down Cambridge Road, up to the Prince of Whales Tower, diverting down Spruce Walk and then joining up with Pine Road. The Holy Well itself is located along Pine Road in Point Pleasant Park.

map detail with WELL feature identified

hand-tinted archival post card featuring Quarry Pond at Point Pleasant Park