How the West was Won

digital pigment print, gold leaf, cotton rag paper (33 x 48 cm)

“Aimée Henny Brown explores tropes of the Wild West with an installation of combined multimedia and visual elements. Inspired by Western pulp fiction novels, Brown’s work replicates and deconstructs the images that dominate our perception of the old West.

Brown delves into the history of the settlement of the West and the cowboy myths that live on from the period. With a series of Western novel covers, Morse code messages, a video projection fed through a heliograph mirror, and a miniature landscape, Brown creates a multifaceted examination of representations of the West.” - P.J. Kachmar

October 2012 | Latitude 53 Gallery, Edmonton, AB
July 2013 | *Queen Specific, Toronto, On

How the West Was Won: gallery installation bookscape, prints, minatures, mural

How the West Was Won: gallery installation
bookscape, prints, minatures, mural

How the West Was Won: gallery installation
digital pigment print, gold leaf, cotton rag paper (each 33 x 48 cm)

Sunset Graze (detail)
digital pigment print, gold leaf, cotton rag paper (33 x 48 cm)

Heliograph Stations

Heliograph Stations (detail)

Morse, 2010
video projected into heliograph mirror which then reflects projected image onto receiving wall surface

Morse, 2010
video still, 3 min 48 sec looped

Heliograph Stations (detail)
miniature vignettes depicting traditional heliograph stations and surrounding landscapes situated throughout gallery

Heliograph Stations (overview)
miniature vignettes depicting traditional heliograph stations and surrounding landscapes situated throughout gallery

Heliograph Stations (detail)
miniature vignettes depicting traditional heliograph stations and surrounding landscapes situated throughout gallery

Western Pulp Part II (installation detail)